Hello Y12
Some excellent work this week. Here is the PowerPoint from the lesson. All My Sons is much easier than King Lear so it'll be easier to discuss the themes, issues and context, as well as the drama, around and within the play rather than have to spend so much time analysing the language (not that I don't love analysing the language in Shakespeare). After writing your Lear essay, this will seem significantly easier.
Miller's ability to establish characters through setting and dialogue is remarkable. He creates rounded developed characters without the narrative detail that an author is able to use. We found this in our analysis of Joe; Joe says 'I don't read the news part anymore. It's more interesting in the want ads'. This seemingly insignificant, flippant comment develops the character. He is closed off from the outside world; his world is the family and the business. Is it significant that he is interested in the 'want ads'?
Your homework is to write a DETAILED plan for your essay. This can be a series of mind maps for each paragraph or a more traditional plan. Many of you would have benefited from using a plan last time, you can tell who hasn't, and it is essential that this is done. Here are some questions. It may be simpler to go with one of these than to make your own, but the choice is yours. If you do want to create a new one look at these questions and the Lear ones to guide you. There are some more questions, but I have to admit to leaving these at school and I don't work on Fridays. I will get them though and the latest they'll be posted is Monday. These are the most recent though and there should be something there for you at least to get you started. Sorry.
I would also like you to look at some Ibsen plays. You can read them read them online here (link are on the left hand side of the page). Look at the structure of them. What are the similarities with Miller's structure? What other influences can you find? They are very readable!
I've only scanned this article, but it does seem really interesting. Seems to have some good links to Shakespeare and the Greek theatre. Perhaps I should add a little caveat such as: the views expressed there, or any links that may be on it, are not my own and do not necessarily represent the views of Ms Caldwell or of any other individual in the school! Let me know what you think of it.
This is awesome! There are some excellent little clips that you can watch, often for no more than three minutes, and there's some good information that relates to performance too. Enjoy!
I've put the photos of your tableaux vivant on the school website. Only joking!
I hope you have a fabulous break. Do let me know if you need any help.
Best wishes,
Ms Caldwell
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