Saturday, 11 December 2010
Thursday, 9 December 2010

Wednesday, 1 December 2010

Use the learning from today's lesson to guide your title writing. Ensure it has a focus on an aspect of tragedy. You MUST focus on an aspect of tragedy. Look at the titles from the lesson today to further assist your title. They are here.
Email me by the end of the day!
If you see Jack or Kathryn, please remind them to look at this blog. And a note to all, if you miss a lesson, it is essential that you look at this blog asap so you can keep up to date with the learning.
For homework you need to read the Kettle criticism I gave you. Next lesson we'll look at AC Bradley. You also need to read Act III, Sc VII. As ever, look closely at language, links to tragedy and consider contextual factors and interpretations!
Well done for today. You worked well on a difficult task.
Ms Caldwell
P.S. Already got some titles and I'm looking forward to the rest.
Wednesday, 24 November 2010

Saturday, 20 November 2010

Wednesday, 17 November 2010
Saturday, 13 November 2010
Wednesday, 10 November 2010

Saturday, 6 November 2010

fathers declined, the father should be as ward to the
son, and the son manage his revenue.”
(lines 73-75)
Saturday, 23 October 2010

There are striking contrasts established in 1.1. Cordelia’s ‘ponderous’ tongue contrasts with the light words of Goneril and Regan. Goneril states that she loves Lear ‘more than word can wield’ (1.1.54) and then goes on to say how much she loves him, so much that ‘speech [is] unable’ (1.1.59), but she’s still speaking! It’s ironic that she says that words aren’t enough, as Cordelia does, but appears to manage to ‘heave her heart into [her] mouth’ (1.1.90-91). Cordelia’s asides occur directly after her sisters speak creating a further contrast.
The King of France also contrasts with King Lear. France seizes upon her virtues (1.1.251) of honesty and plainness. Language is also used to generate contrasts in his speech (1.1.249-260) – have a look.
It’s imperative that we remember that this is a play and is written for performance. The physicality of the crown (‘this coronet part between you’ (1.1.138)) and the map also serve to heighten the dramatic tension. These can be performed as props to emphasise the disorder/chaos and signal the inevitability of the tragedy.
Shakespeare foreshadows the tragedy. Your homework title then is an essay answering the question:
How does Shakespeare signal the inevitability of Tragedy in Act 1, Scene 1 of King Lear?
(700-900 words) You should use the key terms. You do not need to write an essay on everything in the scene; select a few key words and a couple of speeches to keep your writing concise but also exploratory.
Any problems then let me know.
Ms Caldwell
Thursday, 21 October 2010
This is a quick post just to let you know that I won't be able to post a detailed summary of the lesson and homework until tomorrow (Friday), possibly Saturday at the very latest.
I'm am very sorry about this - I'm sure you are quite gutted! If this is a problem for you, particularly if you are going on holiday, then please leave a comment. Otherwise, check back in a couple of days...
Happy holiday!
Ms :)
Thursday, 14 October 2010
- This link is a transcript of a lecture; it is pretty spectacular, though it would be better, I think, if it used some more of the key terms for tragedy.
- This link is also interesting. (I want to make a joke about Star Wars and Geek Tragedy.)

Essentially, Anakin could be hero with the fatal flaw (harmartia). He shows excessive pride (hubris) in his control of the force. There is an inevitability to his downfall as Yoda 'senses much fear in him' when he is taken on by the Jedi council and the force is clouded. Anagnorisis is occurs just before death when the Anakin (Darth Vadar) recognises that he has caused much suffering and kills the Emperor. This is after having been fatally wounded by his son who doesn't know he's his son for much of the film; this has similarities to the classic Greek Tragedy Oedipus (though arguably tenuous). The cathartic moment in the film comes at Darth Vadar/ Anakin's death.
I think Yoda sums up the tragic elements of the film when he says at the Jedi council meeting 'Fear is the path to the dark side. Fear leads to anger. Anger leads to hate. Hate leads to suffering.' The inevitability of the downfall is made clear, the flaw is made clear and the suffering of the tragedy is signalled. The audience experience both pity and fear and learn the moral lesson of not joining the Dark Side.
Obviously, this is not exact. There are also factors that don't relate to a tragedy. The three unities can be ruled out: the time is over two generations; there are lots of sub-plots and the setting is all over space! Furthermore, Anakin moves from tragic hero to villain... I think is amusing though.
I would like to point out that my son was four when Episode I came out and this explains my extensive knowledge of the Star Wars saga.
It is a useful exercise to apply the Tragic terms to films, modern media and history. This will cement your understanding and application. You may want to think up cathartic endings for some events (Blair and Bush being a popular choice).
Next lesson we will do some close analysis in the first lesson and some drama in the second lesson. One of the difficult aspects of the course is considering the play in performance (we'll make sure we use the resources in the classroom though: your drama student peers). I'm looking forward to it!
Any comments then comment...Ms Caldwell
Sunday, 10 October 2010
Stop Press!
Hope you've enjoyed your long weekend!
Ms Caldwell
Tuesday, 5 October 2010
A Tragic Treasure Hunt

I’m afraid I can’t be with you on Wednesday (I am at a conference in London).
Don’t be too distressed though: I have left you some work. If you look at the bottom of the lectern (the stand with the computer on) there is a cupboard with a key. In the cupboard, at the back, there is a red folder. Inside the red folder there is the Russian version of King Lear – yay! You can watch this until the end; we were about 1hr30mins in. Don't forget to move the mouse every ten minutes or it'll hibernate.
When this has finished you should make a double plot synopsis of the plots; this will need two strands, one for the Lear plot and one for the Gloucester plot. (This might be done most simply as a timeline.) You should discuss the plot/s in groups and share your points. Ensure everyone is included in your discussion. Make sure you bring your completed synopsis to next week's lesson as you will need it.
You should then write a re-creative piece telling the story from a single character’s point-of-view; you can choose the character. This will help you focus on the plot from a different perspective. It is essential that you consult your text for details of the plot and to get to know your character; you can also use links in previous post to help with your knowledge and understanding.
- a soliloquy in Shakespeare’s style, making reference to similar themes and using language that is appropriate
- a dramatic monologue
- a piece of creative writing
This should be finished for homework and handed in next lesson. It should be between 600 and 800 words.
If you have any queries please leave a comment and I'll get back to you ASAP. Alternatively, email me via the school email (lcaldwell).
Wednesday, 29 September 2010

Hello Y12
- performance
- setting
- characterisation
- social context
This should be no more than 500 words (let's practise being concise from the off!).
Any questions, please leave a comment or email via the school email system.
See you next week,
Ms :)
Monday, 27 September 2010

Wednesday, 22 September 2010
Wednesday, 15 September 2010

Hello Y12
Today we looked at the key features of the literary genre of Tragedy.
It's essential that we start to consider the play in performance and, as the course progresses, we will look at how tragedy can be enhanced through performance.Today we looked at characteristics of the genre; we also looked at Kozintsev's opening to the play and considered the performance.
The edition of King Lear you should get can be found through this link here. It's the Cambridge School edition.
I would like you to read to the and of Act I, Scene II.
Any problems, let me know.
Ms Caldwell
Wednesday, 8 September 2010
It was great to meet you today; we'll have lots of fun with tragedy!
I am looking forward to presentations from teams two and three next Wednesday morning. I suggest that if you have a PowerPoint saved in your area then you email that to someone so it's not too 'tragic' if you're ill next week.
You need to do two things:
- find a definition of tragedy
- find a news article that could be seen as tragic. Be ready to share how your selected article fits into the definition of tragedy
The article should be printed out and brought to the lesson.
Well done team one for today's presentation and to everyone for a fantastic first lesson. I was particularly impressed with how many of you were applying your newly acquired knowledge of tragedy to the questions asked by team one.
See you next week,
Ms Caldwell
An Introduction to Tragedy
Hello Y12
This blog is an accessible way for me to communicate the week's learning and set the homework. It is also a useful place for me to create links to extend your learning outside the classroom; learning outside the classroom is essential for success in AS.
If you miss a lesson you will need to look at this blog in order to catch up and do the week's homework. It is also a useful way for you to communicate with me and each other. You can post comments and also feedback to let me know if the learning has been too difficult or too easy; I'll also create polls to get your reactions to debates and ideas that arise.
Today we have looked at Tragedy; tragedy is the dramatic genre we will look at this year. You will write two pieces of coursework in this time. The examination will be taught by Mrs Archer and will focus on Aspects of Narrative.
The two plays we will study are Shakespeare's King Lear and Miller's All My Sons. Very exciting!
Ms Caldwell